Thursday, April 8, 2010

Infomercial as Performance Art

Last night while surfing our very limited over-the-air channels, we happened upon an informercial for the 'Shoedini'. Incredibly, it was being pitched by annoying voice-over artist and stand-up comedian Gilbert Gottfried - which made it absolutely hysterical. Here's the thing, though: the local channel played the commercial with Gilbert Gottfried's voice-over:

And the regular commercial with a standard voice-over:

With Gottfried's out-take sandwiched in between:

Intentional or not, I never would have come across the out-take version without seeing all three strung together. The out-take is just so absurd, it's brilliant.

1 comment:

  1. "It's not just a shoehorn. It's a shoehorn on a stick!" I love it!
